确保机构顺利和有效运作 Ensure the smooth and effective operation of the organization
董事局 board of directors
赖崇恩弟兄 Bro. Samuel Lai
Director of Standleyco Consulting
王祖祥牧师 Rev. Paulus Wong
芙蓉爱恩社区教会中文主理牧師 Senior Pastor of Agape Community Church Seremban (Chinese)
钟麟兴弟兄 Bro. Harrison Choong
MTB 公司创办人及董事 Founder and board member of MTB Group of companies
本地顾问及督导 Local advisors & mentors
官安胜弟兄 Bro. Kon Onn Sein
社区研究及发展基金会总干事 OA Organic Co-operative Managing Director of Yayasan Kajian dan Pembangunan Masyarakat & General Manager OA Organic Co-operative
吴吉平弟兄 Bro. Goh Keat Peng
马来西亚世界宣明会早期创始人 Founder & Director of World Vision Malaysia 1997 to 2003
谭华方弟兄 Bro. Tam Wah Fiong
Thumbprints Utd. Sdn. Bhd.的创办人 Founder of Thumbprints Utd. Sdn. Bhd.
Rev. Dr. Cheryl Eng
杨克聪牧师博士 Rev. Dr. Cheryl Eng
Full-time lecturer at Malaysia Bible Seminary (MBS), and the Course Director for Pastoral ministry (Master’s and Doctoral programs) and the Extended courses.
海外督导 Overseas mentor
夏忠坚牧师 Rev. James Hsia
台湾现任中华基督教救助协会, 中华基督教福音协进会秘书长 Secretary General of Taiwan Chinese Christian Relief Association & Chinese Christian Evangelistic Association
刘达芳博士 Dr. Liu Tat Fong, Agnes
香港现任禧福学院院长、 禧福协会会长 President of Hong Kong Jubilee School of Missions and Jubilee Ministries.
Bro. Benjamin Quinones Jr.
Founder of ASEC (Asian Solidarity Economy Council)
管理团队 management team
郑百颂传道 Pr. Cheng Pysong
全人异象持有者,7979部主任 vision holder of histeam, lead of 7979 dept
Master in Divinity, Malaysia Bible Seminary
吴莉莉姐妹 Sis. Ng Lee Lee
LCCI Diploma in Accounting
吴加恩弟兄 Bro. Goh Kia Eng
向东服务部主任 LEAD of Serve the east dept
Master of Art in Computer Science, UTM
石安妮姐妹 Sis. Chiok Ann Nee
通讯部主任 lead of COMMUNICATION dept
Master of Transformational Development, Eastern College, Australia