💡 第六届弥迦学院首次招收原住民学员,他们在当中有什么体验...
💡 同工分享她在过去八个月与“乡区陪读班”老师们的旅程… 👀 欢迎您点击新阅读一期《向东快讯》! 💪 支持第六届弥迦学院结业礼兼筹款晚宴 请联络Carol姐妹 012-4240118 2023年8月刊 |
平安!2023年11月《向东快讯》出刊啦!🥳 这一期,我们很荣幸有官安胜弟兄成为特邀作者。他是社区研究及发展基金会的常务董事,服侍原住民群体超过30年。文中,官弟兄分享适合原住民群体的“经济赋能”模式,他也鼓励身为神儿女的我们可以在经济上,发挥盐和光的影响力 。 同时,我们很兴奋看到越来越多华人基督徒关注原住民肢体的需要。在此也与您分享,教会短宣后的心得和感想。 我们非常需要您的代祷,请您继续在祷告中纪念我们。(代祷事项在最后一页) 谢谢您的关注与支持! 👀 点击阅读最新一期《向东快讯》! 💪 支持第六届弥迦学院结业礼兼筹款晚宴 📞请联络Carol姐妹 012-4240118 2023年11月刊 |
💡 This is our first attempt in recruiting Indigenous youth to join Micah Training. What had the trainees been through thus far?
💡 Sharing from our co-worker of her journey with Rural Companionship Class's teachers for the past 8 months 👀 We welcome you to click here and read our latest "Serve The East Bulletin"! 💪 To support 6th Micah Graduation cum Fund-raising Dinner please contact Sis. Carol 012-4240118 AUGUST 2023 |
NOBVEMBER"Economic Empowerment" is a key to liberating the Indigenous people from poverty and initiating economic independence.
Shalom! Our "Serve the East" bulletin, Nov. issue is now available! 🥳 In this bulletin, we are honored to have Brother Kon Onn Sein as our special guest author. He is the Managing Director of Yayasan Kajian dan Pembangunan Masyarakat (YKPM) and has been serving the Indigenous community for over 30 years. In his article, Brother Kon shared an "Economic Empowerment" model that is suitable for the Indigenous community and encouraged us, as children of God, to be salt and light, and impact others economically. At the same time, we are excited to see more Chinese Christians paying attention to the needs of the Indigenous community. In this issue, we also have an article on reflections and insights after their church’s short-term mission. Your prayers are greatly needed. Please continue to remember us in your prayers. Prayer requests are on the last page. Thank you for your attention and support! 💪 To support 6th Micah Graduation cum Fund-raising Dinner📞 please contact Sis. Carol 012-4240118 NOVEMBER 2023 |