我们不属任何宗派,没有雄厚的财务支援,纯粹为实践梦想,希望看到基督徒能为主的缘故爱邻舍,众教会能不分你我地整合资源服事弱势群体。 我们的策略是培训(Training)、教育(Education)、醒觉(Awareness)、及动员(Mobilization)。英文的开头字母正是“团队”的意思(TEAM)。而这团队,是属于神的,HISTEAM的名字由此而来。Holistic Integrated Services, 就是全人关怀团队。 我们有两大服事的对象。一)教会,愿意为教会训练关怀的志工,随时投身服务社会。二)关怀同工,为他们在服务的路上加油打气,走得更远更有效。 成立初期,因是年轻的团队,我们有5位督导帮助我们。陈金狮博士为神学督导、拿督丹尼申为政策督导、官安胜弟兄为属灵督导、谢秀贞传道为动员督导、及黄子弟兄为出版督导。 原是简单的合伙组织,上帝却不断扩张我们的境界。目前已注册为非营利基督教机构(Company Limited by Guarantee)。 从领受至被差遣 ~差遣礼手记
2007年11月30日的晚上,一群牧者、传道、弟兄姐妹见证了全人关怀团队的诞生。一个放眼推动本土华文教会参与关怀弱势群体的机构,在众多祝福下成立了。当晚来宾在享用自由晚餐后,挤满中心的客厅参与此聚会。黄恩德传道贯穿全场,述说蒙召经历以至领受异象,细数上帝如何带领并预备此事工所需的一切。 当晚承蒙徐国荣传道及叶顺利弟兄为我们呈献歌曲。 感谢督导Dr. Denison前来分享,以弥迦书6:8传达上帝对其子民的基本要求为信息。另一督导陈金狮院长则主持了一项别开生面的差遣礼。他要每个执委委员轮流为彼此洗脚,然后吩咐我们紧记三个原则:
从此,〈全人关怀团队〉就只能放胆向前走,继续抓住上帝供应的服侍机会,并体会祂丰盛的恩典。 |
HISTEAM was officially established on 30 Nov 2007, by a group of like-minded young people with passion to pass on the vision of social caring to Chinese speaking Christian church.
We do not belong to any denomination, do not have strong financial backup, but purely wanted to fulfill a dream of seeing Christians loving their neighbors for Lord’s sake, and the Churches will consolidate their resources to serve the underprivileged. Our strategies are Training, Education, Awareness, and Mobilization, which denotes TEAM. This Team is His (our God), and thus our name is HISTEAM, provide Holistic Integrated Services. We have 2 service targets: 1) Church, to train social caring volunteers to serve the community. 2) Care-givers, to equip and encourage them to serve longer and more effectively. Then we are a young team, so we have 5 mentors to help us. Rev. Dr. Tan Kim Sai as our Theological Mentor, Datuk Dr. Denison Jayasooria as Social Policy Mentor, Bro. Kon Onn Sein as Spiritual Mentor, Pr. Sia Siew Chin as Mobilization Mentor, and Bro. Huang Tze as Publication Mentor. From a simple partnership organization, the Lord is extending our territory. Currently we registered as Non-profit Christian organization, a company limited by guarantee. From Receiving to Being Sent ~ A report of Commissioning Service On the evening of 30/11/2007, HISTEAM was born in the witness of a group of pastors, brothers and sisters who share the same vision, and willingly blessing this new ministry. The night started with a light buffet dinner, and a full house packed the living hall for the memorable night. Pastor Andrew shared about his calling, and the vision he received from the Lord to assist the local Chinese churches on caring ministry to the underprivileged. He counted the blessings from the Lord that encouraged him to walk in faith and trust in Him. The night was graced by songs performed by Rev. Edward Chui, and Brother Yap Soon Lee. Special thanks to one of our mentors, Dr. Denison who shared about message from the Lord for His people as stated in Micah 6:8. Another mentor Rev. Dr. Tan Kim Sai held a unique commissioning where he asked the management team members to wash each other feet in turn, signifying the service and humbleness as of our Lord Jesus Christ. He then reminded us on the 3 principles: 1. It is more blessed to give than to receive. 2. It is greater to serve than being served. 3. It is more excelled to satisfy others than own self. Finally, a commissioning prayer was said by all attendees. Since then, HISTEAM can only move forward, continue to grab the opportunities of serving the Lord and His people, and at the same time experiencing the grace of the Lord. |