全人慈善高尔夫球赛2023 – 为爱挥杆 HISTEAM Charity Golf Tournament 2023 - Swing for Charity, Love in Action!20/7/2023
Holistic Integrated Services Bhd (HISTEAM) organised a "Holistic Charity Golf Tournament 2023 - Swing for Love" at Kelab Golf Miri on 15 July to raise funds for urban underprivileged families. HISTEAM was honoured to have YB Adam Yii Siew Sang, Mayor of Miri cum Pujut Assemblyman, as the guest of honour. The funds raised from this charity golf tournament will be channelled to 7979 Manna Food Bank and Seed Fund of Yuan-Han Journeying Together. There were 92 golfers participated in this year’s tournament.
The organising committee Chairwoman, Sis. Deborah Wong hoped that more 7979 Care Stations can be established in Sarawak and Sabah, to widen the scope of underprivileged they could help, particularly, the elderly and single mothers with young children. CEO of HISTEAM, Rev. Andrew Wong expressed that in this coming three years, HISTEAM will channel more resources and put in more effort to assist the indigenous people in the interior of East Malaysia. What appears to be an act of compassion in response to the toiling masses is in fact an act of justice to repay the debt owed to East Malaysian due to past political situation. We live by what we get, but we make lives by what we give. A sudden storm hit on the morning of the event with continuous downpours till 12 noon, our scheduled short gun tees off time for this charity golf event. The organising committee decided to delay the starting time by 1 hour. The golfers were enjoying their tea and mingled around happily under the cool breeze. Finally, at 1pm, the rain turned to drizzle, with the sound of the siren, golfers got into their buggies and set off to their respective holes. Unfortunately, the rain poured again few minutes later, so another siren was blown to signal suspension of the game. At the end, due to the unceasing rain and for safety reason, the organising committee decided to cancel the tournament with the sound of another siren. Many golfers reluctantly and with downcast mood returned to the club house. Although the tournament was cancelled, some golfers remained on course and brave through the puddles of water to continue their mission to finish off their friendly round of golf. There were 108 guests who joined our evening banquet where we also held an auction for 3 pictures. We managed to raise a total of RM182,400 from the auction, golf fees, offerings, hole sponsors and advertisement in the event handbook. 106 underprivileged families under “Manna Food Bank” aid program and 22 indigenous pastors under “Yuan Han Journeying Together Seed Fund” were adopted. Organising committee chairwoman, Sis. Deborah Wong expressed gratitude to all participants and donors, despite having the game cancelled due to inclement weather, the spirit of caring and giving were not dampened. Lastly, the 10 prizes intended for winners were added to the original 20 lucky draws prizes. The evening concluded with 30 of our guests returned home happily with lucky items. One of the Manna Food Bank's missions is to reach out and help the poor and needy regardless of race, ethnicity, or religion. In the past 6 years, even during the pandemic, HISTEAM had been carrying out this mission, there were over 10,000 individuals benefited from this program. Besides delivering the Manna Food Bags once every 2 months over a period of 1 year to the aid recipients, our 7979 trained volunteers also care for their spiritual and emotional needs. We know of many families, always looking forward to the bi-monthly visits of our volunteers who would bring along food bags that could put smiles on their faces and assure them that there is still love and care in this world. If you would like to assist the underprivileged families, please contact the 7979 Food Bank Hotline at 019-792 7979. 全人关怀团队(全人)于7月15日,为城市贫困家庭筹募资金,在Kelab Golf Miri举办了一场“全人慈善高尔夫球赛2023 – 为爱挥杆”,并有幸邀请埔奕区州议员兼美里市市长俞小珊担任嘉宾。这场慈善高尔夫球赛筹募的资金主要充作7979吗哪食物银行善款以及原汉同行种子基金。本次报名参加高尔夫球赛的参赛者一共有92位。 “全人慈善高尔夫球赛2023”委员会主席黄梅花希望在砂拉越和沙巴建立更多7979全人关怀救助网络,以扩大关注弱势家庭的覆盖范围,特别是年迈者和单亲带着年幼子女的家庭。 “全人关怀团队”执行长黄恩德牧师则表示,全人未来三年将把更多资源与心力投注于援助东马内陆原住民。看似回应劳苦大众的怜悯举动,其实也是按公义来偿还过去因政治而亏欠东马的债。我们靠取得,维持生计;但靠着付出,我们可以书写生命! 当天早上突然刮起狂风暴雨,直到原定开始的中午12时仍在下雨,于是大会决定延后一小时开始比赛。球手们在凉风习习的餐厅享用茶点,谈笑风生。终于,雨开始小了,下午1时,鸣笛响起,球手们开着球车前往目的地。谁知雨又继续的下,几分钟后,球场再次响起笛声以示暂停。最后,因雨势不减,为安全起见,大会忍痛决定取消当天的球赛,笛声再起,球员们纷纷失落地回来。然而,一些非常热爱打球的球手,在场等待多时后,不管球场积水难打的挑战,仍然坚持完成打球的使命。 晚宴中,一共有108位来宾出席。全人特别在其中拍卖三幅画作,加上球费、奉献、球洞赞助及纪念册广告,一共募得 182,400令吉,认领106个弱势贫困家庭的援助计划“吗哪食物银行”和22位原住民牧师的援助计划“原汉同行种子基金”。筹委会主席黄梅花表示,感谢各位的出席,纵然下大雨取消了球赛,却浇灭不了各位球手及奉献者的爱。最后,原定的10个比赛奖项,以幸运抽奖的方式送出,再加上原定的20份礼物,让30位出席的来宾们满载而归。 7979吗哪食物银行的使命之一是不分种族、民族或宗教背景,向贫困和有需要的群体伸出援手,并提供帮助。过去的十年中,包括在疫情期间,全人一直履行这使命,已经有超过10,000人从这些方案中受益。除了每两个月(持续一年)一次,将吗哪食物包送到受助者手中,受训志工也关心他们的心灵和情感需求。我们得知许多家庭总是期待志工每两个月一次的探访。志工带来的食物包使他们脸上洋溢笑容,也让他们知道这个世界上仍然有爱和关怀。 若是您也想要援助贫困家庭,请联络7979吗哪食物银行专线019-792 7979。 评论已被关闭。